

NextSteps is an ANZSOC-sponsored longitudinal graduate outcomes study of criminology and criminal justice graduates. The study seeks to understand the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of soon-to-be graduates of criminology and criminal justice in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The project is a longitudinal study that will survey graduates prior to graduation and then again at 1, 2 and 5 years after graduation.

This research is being conducted on behalf of ANZSOC by the University of Wollongong, Griffith University and Monash University. The research team includes Professor Jason Payne (jasonp(at), +6142214837), Professor Tara McGee, Dr Kate Burns, Dr Natalia Hanley and Kaylee Shepherd.

Detailed information about the project can be found in survey itself, or in the Participant Information Sheet.

NextSteps participants are eligible to win one of ten $50 e-vouchers.