Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Thematic Groups

Thematic Groups Background

1. Background

As part of ANZSOC’s commitment to supporting its members, the Society has established ANZSOC Thematic Groups. These groups allow members to come together around particular themes which can be either topic based, focused on a current issue, or sub-disciplinary based. Thematic Groups also assist in developing cohesiveness of themes and panels for the annual conferences with groups encouraged to organise and submit proposals for panels of papers to annual conference organizing committees.

2. Establishing a group

Formal proposals can be submitted to the Committee of Management via and should include the following information:

  • Thematic Group title;
  • Brief description of aims and objectives (suitable for the website and other publicity);
  • Names of the Convener and any Co-Conveners;
  • Names of a minimum of 15 current ANZSOC members (including Conveners), who endorse the proposed group and propose to belong to it. The Committee of Management may consider proposals with fewer members for new and emerging areas.
Proposals to establish a new thematic group must explain the strategies used to identify potential members. This might include promotion of the proposal via ANZSOC’s social media platforms, or on CrimNet.

3. Relationship to ANZSOC

Thematic Groups are formed as independent groups of ANZSOC members, but are not authorized to act on behalf of ANZSOC, represent the views of ANZSOC, or enter into contractual relationships on behalf of ANZSOC.

4. Role of Conveners

The role of Thematic Group Conveners is to facilitate communications within the group and between the group and the ANZSOC Committee of Management. Conveners may also be authorized to speak on behalf of the Group in public or in private on a matter that the majority of Group members have approved.

Conveners could facilitate group communications by:

  • using a group email list to keep members informed of activities, events, conferences, workshops, publications and calls for papers;
  • organising group meetings or dinners at the ANZSOC conference;
  • contributing to an issue of PacifiCrim;
  • developing a group website and or/blog;
  • applying for group funding to run workshops, seminars and mini conferences of relevance to the group;
  • providing PacifiCrim editor with a report/feedback about the ANZSOC funded activities of the Thematic Group.

5. Position of Conveners

  • No person can remain Convener or co-Convener for longer than three consecutive years, but may take on the role again after any three year absence from the position.
  • If a Convener needs to step down from the role during their 3 year term, all Thematic Group members need to be consulted and a volunteer replacement appointed. 
  • The position of Convener will automatically fall vacant at the time of review (see number 10. Review). 
  • Conveners are to be appointed by the membership of the Thematic Group, either through voting at meetings at the ANZSOC Annual Conference or through email communication with all Thematic Group members.
  • A Thematic Group must at all times have at least one Convener acting in the role. If no-one is willing to act as Convener, the Thematic Group will cease.

6. Constitution of Thematic Groups

  • Membership of Thematic Groups is limited to current financial ANZSOC members;
  • Membership of Thematic Groups must be maintained a minimum of 15 current financial ANZSOC members per year. The Committee of Management may approve fewer members for new and emerging areas;
  • Members can be part of more than one Thematic Group but must ensure that the Thematic Group’s aims and objectives are being achieved by attending members’ meetings and actively participating in each group;
  • New and existing ANZSOC members who wish to join a Thematic Group should contact the Convener/s of the group.

7. Web and social media presence 

Some groups may also want to establish their own websites, or pages on the ANZSOC Website or create and maintain a social media presence. Where this occurs, Thematic Groups should place the following statement on their group pages and social-media accounts:

‘The information, opinions and ideas contained on this site (account) are not necessarily endorsed by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology. ANZSOC is not responsible for the legality, validity, completeness or utility of the information provided by the Thematic Group. Any reference made by the Thematic Group to any products, services, processes, hypertext links to third parties or other information does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by ANZSOC.’

Where Thematic Groups are allocated a page on the ANZSOC website, the page may contain:

  • a forum section for each of the groups;
  • thematic group aims and objectives;
  • contact details of the convener/s;
  • a list of current members, with their prior consent. 

Thematic Group pages could also contain:

  • information about upcoming events;
  • photos from previous events;
  • calls for paper submissions to conferences and other events;
  • links to articles of interest or relevant resources.
  • To maintain a presence on ANZSOC website. 

Thematic Groups can apply for funding from ANZSOC to develop their own website, subject to the abovementioned conditions.

8. Funding

Thematic group conveners can apply for up to $2,000 per year for the first three years of a Thematic Group’s establishment. Thereafter, Thematic Groups are eligible to apply for funds, subject to the approval of the Committee of Management. It is a requirement that any funds be spent on activities and resources that are clearly linked to the development and/or promotion of the thematic group as a whole.  Applications for funding up to the maximum allowed for any of the following expenses may be approved by the ANZSOC Treasurer alone,  without prior approval of the Committee of Management:

  • speaker travel and accommodation;
  • fees for venue hire;
  • caterings;
  • costs for digital activities; 
  • website development;
  • marketing and advertising.

All other types of expenditure must have prior approval of the Committee of Management. 

Applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered at the next Committee of Management meeting, or out of session by the Treasurer.

Thematic group Conveners are required to provide an acquittal of how approved funds provided by the Society have been expended. Acquittal reports must be sent by email to the Secretary within four weeks. Reports should also include Tax Receipts for all funded items.

The support of ANZSOC should be acknowledged on materials relating to all activities in respect of which ANZSOC funds have been provided.

9. Annual Reporting 

Conveners of Thematic Groups must provide an annual report of the Group’s activities in sufficient time to be included in the Agenda for ANZSOC AGMs. Reports should include a summary of the activities of the group, the outcomes of any ANZSOC-funded events, and a statement regarding whether the group plans to continue such activities

10. Review

Thematic Groups are subject to review by the Committee of Management every three years from the date of their first approval. Renewal is not automatic. It is contingent upon adherence to these Guidelines and with the ongoing approval of the Committee of Management.

11. Disestablishment

Thematic Groups could be disestablished by the Committee of Management in the following circumstances:

  • Where the membership falls below 15 persons at 30 June of any year and is not raised to 15 persons by 30 June of the following year (except in those circumstances where a case for lower membership has been made and approved by the ANZSOC Committee).
  • Where the Thematic Group, or its members, have acted in breach of these Guidelines or otherwise acted in a way that the ANZSOOC Committee determines to be improper or unacceptable.
  • Where the current Convener has served a three-year term or is unable or unwilling to continue in the role and no other person is willing to take on that role.