The Society
Statement of purpose
The Association acknowledges the consequences and harms that continue to be inflicted by the criminal justice systems of Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand on Indigenous peoples in the region and seeks through its activities to address these harms and to work to prevent them from continuing in the future.
The purposes for which The Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Inc. is established are:
- to promote study, understanding, and co-operation in the field of Criminology;
- to bring together persons actively engaged, or who have been actively engaged, in teaching and/or practices in the field of Criminology;
- to encourage and support the inclusion of the Indigenous peoples of Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand in the activities and work of the Association and to support their scholarship, practice and development in the field of criminology;
- to foster training and research in Criminology in institutions of learning, and in law enforcement, judicial, and correctional agencies;
- to encourage communication within the field of Criminology through publications and conferences;
- to promote and foster understanding of Criminology by parliaments, governments, and the public.
The Committee of Management
The initial constitution of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Inc. was confirmed by the Executive of the Society on December 5, 1967 pursuant to a resolution of the inaugural general meeting of the Society.
This inaugural meeting had been held on October 24, 1967 at the University of Melbourne and was attended by 47 people.
Dr Angela Higginson
Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology
Email: angela.higginson@qut.edu.au
Dr Kelly Hine
University of the Sunshine Coast
Email: khine@usc.edu.au
Dr Matthew Morgan
Australian Catholic University
Email: matthew.morgan@acu.edu.au
Officers and Committees
The Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology Inc. is comprised of Officers and a Committee of Management which include representatives from New Zealand and all the states and territories of Australia.
The Officers and the Committee of Management are elected at the Society AGM, held to coincide with the annual conference. The Officers and the Committee of Management meet at the Annual conference and at other times throughout the year as needs be.
Nominations for committee membership
Members are encouraged to email the secretary by August 31 of each year their nomination for election for any vacant positions. The incumbent will be informed by the secretary 4 weeks ahead of the AGM of any other nominations. If the incumbent wishes to continue stand, a biography of 100 words will need to be completed (by all relevant candidates) for circulation to the membership 3 weeks ahead of the AGM, and there will then be an election at the AGM. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the AGM and, if so, that person will be entitled to speak briefly to their nomination.
The following positions will be declared vacant at the 2025 AGM which will be held at the ANZSOC Conference in Brisbane, December 2025:
Office Bearer
- Vice President New Zealand
Committee Members
- Northern Territory
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- New Zealand
Download the Nomination form here: Nomination_Form_CoM_2025
Office Bearers
Assoc. Professor Angela Higginson (Queensland University of Technology)
Email: angela.higginson@qut.edu.au
Australian Vice-President
Dr Rachel Loney-Howes (University of Wollongong)
Email: rlhowes@uow.edu.au
Acting Australian Vice-President to June 2025
Dr Michelle Sydes (Griffith University)
Emaiil: m.sydes@griffith.edu.au
New Zealand Vice-President
Dr Susann Wiedlitzka (University of Auckland)
Email: susann.wiedlitzka@auckland.ac.nz
Dr Matthew Morgan (Australian Catholic University)
Email: matthew.morgan@acu.edu.au
Dr Kelly Hine (Australian National University)
Email: khine@usc.edu.au
Committee Members
New South Wales
Dr Justin Ellis (University of Newcastle)
Email: justin.ellis@newcastle.edu.au
Northern Territory
Ms Louise Ogden (Department of the Attorney-General and Justice)
Email: louise.ogden@nt.gov.au
Dr Chloe Keel (Griffith University)
Email: c.keel@griffith.edu.au
South Australia
Dr Melissa de Vel-Palumbo (Flinders University
Email: melissa.devel-palumbo@flinders.edu.au
Dr Loene Howes (University of Tasmania)
Email: loene.howes@utas.edu.au
Dr Kathryn Benier (Monash University)
Email: kathryn.benier@monash.edu
Western Australia
Dr Hayley Passmore (University of Western Australia)
Email: hayley.passmore@uwa.edu.au
Australia Capital Territory
Dr. Douglas Allan (Charles Sturt University)
Email: doallan@csu.edu.au
New Zealand
Assoc. Professor Tamasailau Suaalii-Sauni (University of Auckland)
Email: s.suaalii-sauni@auckland.ac.nz
Assoc. Professor James Mehigan (University of Canterbury)
Email: james.mehigan@canterbury.ac.nz
Postgraduate Early Career Researcher Representative
Dr Lisa Wheildon (Monash University)
Emai: lisa.wheildon@monash.edu
Newsletter Editor
Dr Joel McGregor (Swinburne University)
Email: joelmcgregor@swin.edu.au
Journal Editors
Assoc. Professor Asher Flynn (Monash University) and Professor Rebecca Wickes (Griffith University)
Dr. Rebecca Powell (Managing-Editor)
Historical Advisor
Professor Russell Smith (Flinders University)
Email: russell.smith@flinders.edu.au
2024 conference convenors
Assoc. Professor James Mehigan (University of Canterbury)
Email: james.mehigan@canterbury.ac.nz
Assoc. Professor Helen Farley (University of Canterbury)
Email: helen.farley@canterbury.ac.nz