Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology




Toby Miles-Johnson, Western Sydney University (2023)


The Policing Thematic Group brings together policing scholars, practitioners and students from
Australia and New Zealand to advance the science of policing and enhance public safety for all
people. We aim to strengthen partnerships across academia, policing and law enforcement policy makers. We will also foster cross-disciplinary, mixed methods approaches to better understand all aspects of policing including police patrols, investigations, crime prevention, human resource management, and all other forms of police service delivery as well as the cost-effectiveness and impacts (intended and unintended) of different policing approaches.

We seek to do this by

  • Bringing together ANZSOC members interested in policing research, policy and practice
  • Facilitating dissemination of policing research amongst ANZSOC members, practitioners,
    funding agencies, policy-making bodies, and other relevant groups
  • Organizing ANZSOC conference sessions related to issues in policing research, policy and practice

Andrew Goldsmith, Flinders University
Angela Dwyer, University of Tasmania
Angela Higginson, Queensland University of Technology
Anthony Morgan, Australian Institute of Criminology
Ben Spivak, Swinburn University
Elise Sargeant, Griffith University
Jarrett Blaustein, The Australian National University
Justin Ellis, The University of Newcastle
Lyndel Bates, Griffith University
Nicole Asquith, University of Tasmania
Rebecca Wickes, Griffith University
Rick Sarre, University of South Australia
Ross Hendy, Monash University
Russell Brewer, University of Adelaide
Tariro Mutongwizo, QCOSS
Tim Prenzler, University of the Sunshine Coast
Timothy Cubitt, Australian Institute of Criminology
Tyler Cawthray, Bond University
Zarina Vakhitova, Monash University
Adrian Leiva, Flinders University
Joe Clare, University of Western Australia
Peter Martin, Griffith University 
Kelly Hine, University of the Sunshine Coast


Membership List Updated November 2023

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