Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

Teaching & Learning in Criminology

Teaching & Learning in Criminology

Joe Clare, University of Western Australia (2023)
Hilde Tibex, University of Western Australia  (2023)

The study of criminology within higher education has grown significantly in recent times. Australian criminology students have varied career trajectories which include government organisation, private companies, non-governmental organisations/third sector employers and academia. As the discipline adapts to the changing criminological landscape, it is important that our teaching adapts also.

The Teaching & Learning in Criminology Thematic Group welcomes all ANZSOC members with an interest in teaching criminology. The group will advance and highlight knowledge, practice and innovation in teaching. This group is for all members with a passion for teaching, not just those that undertake education research.

The group will nurture education innovation and champion educators. The group is an opportunity to build a network of scholars and practitioners to enhance our teaching practices.

Aims and Objectives
This thematic group aims to:

  • Share education expertise to build links between Higher Education institutions;
  • Create a network of scholars and practitioners to support and promote innovation in teaching
    and learning;
  • To facilitate and encourage national and international collaborations between scholars for mentoring, support and funding;
  • Highlight the excellent work being undertaken around Australia and New Zealand in teaching and learning; and
  • Organise and promote events related to Teaching and Learning in Criminology.

Membership List:
Kate Burns, Monash University
Rachel Loney-Howes, University of Wollongong
Emily Moir, University of the Sunshine Coast
Loene Howes, University of Tasmania
Alyce McGovern, University of New South Wales
Mark Wood, Deakin University
Bridget Harris, Monash University
Vicky Nagy, University of Tasmania
Joel McGregor, University of Newcastle
Lauren Humby, University of Southern Queensland
Greg Stratton, RMIT
Sally Kennedy, Deakin University
Katherine McLachlan, Flinders University
Anastasia Powell, RMIT
Meriba Rose, Latrobe University
Sue Raymont-McHugh, University of Sunshine Coast

Group Links

Membership List Updated October 2023