Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

ARC Discovery Projects 2024

The ARC has announced the results for the 2024 round of ARC Discovery Projects (DP24). The 4402 (Criminology) FoR code has been awarded three Discovery Projects, many with ANZSOC members involved. It is fantastic to see the impressive diversity of research topics funded across these projects and to see some success in the 4402 code!

The successful projects include:

DP240102371 – University of Queensland – Legitimacy and effective policing responses to domestic and family violence.

Lead: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett

Team: Professor Lorraine Mazerolle; Detective Inspector Katrina Carr; Detective Inspector Kirsten Helton

Domestic and Family Violence is a problem of epidemic proportions. This project aims to significantly improve police legitimacy and effectiveness by examining for the first time how capacity, police capability andconducive police culture operate individually and interact collectively to inform practice and survivor outcomes. Expected outcomes include the delivery of robust empirical evidence derived from newtheoretical and methodological approaches on how these critical factors intersect collectively, and a comprehensive practice framework that identifies the tipping point of critical components for effective responses. The expected benefit will be improved policing responses to domestic and family violence nationally and internationally.

DP240100161 – Deakin University – Analysing and disrupting outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia. 

Lead: Professor David Bright

Team: Professor Chad Whelan

This project aims to reveal the structure and social dynamics of co-offending networks by OMCGs in Australia. Outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCGs) cause significant social and economic harm in Australia and internationally. The project will generate new knowledge about OMCG co-offending using an innovative multimethod approach combining social network analysis with interviews and focus groups. Expected outcomes include a deeper understanding of OMCG criminal activity across Australia and refined theory development about co-offending in criminal groups. The project will lead to improved policy, legislation and policing practice to prevent OMCG crime and dismantle OMCG criminal networks in more cost-effective ways.

DP240100531 – University of Sydney – Policing Australian Popular Music

Lead: Professor Murray Lee

Team: Dr Toby Martin; Professor Jioji Ravulo; Dr Alexis Kallio

This project will be the first comprehensive study of the relationship between policing and popular music in Australia. An interdisciplinary approach brings together criminology, music, history, social work, cultural, and music education research to investigate the processes by which certain forms of popular music and affiliated communities have been criminalised, and the ways musicians and musical communities have voiced resistance to police andstate power. Through innovative interview and arts-practice based methodologies, the project will generate new knowledge on the historic and contemporary relations between state governance and creative cultural expression to inform policy and practice in policing as well as cultural investments.

Many fantastic criminology projects missed out on being funded, which is disappointing. 

Congratulations to those and best of luck with submissions under the new system next year for all those applying.